How to make good electrostatic prevention and control measures?

Today, with the rapid development of the electronics industry, customers who require a good implementation plan for electrostatic prevention and control are more strict. We all know that electrostatic charge brings damage to electrostatic discharge (electromagnetic wave interference) and particle pollution caused by electrostatic adsorption. for the electronic manufacturing industry, if the generation of static charge can not be avoided, then priority should be given to the problem of electrostatic discharge caused by electrostatic discharge.
The prevention and control of electronic manufacturing industry can be divided into: particulate pollution caused by electrostatic adsorption, damage to products by electrostatic discharge, how to choose a good treatment scheme, and so on.
Micro-particle pollution is aimed at environmental hygiene problems. Particles falling off can be electrostatic adsorption, gravity, or random drift.
In order to make electrostatic adsorption become the main cause, the particles are attracted to and attached to the surface, and the size of the particles is related to the electrostatic charge on the surface.

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